Commercial Siding in Andover MN

commercial siding in andover mn

In Andover MN, storms can strike without any warning. This could prove detrimental for both the residential and commercial properties. If your property has received a tough blow due to heavy rain or a hail storm, you might be in search of a contractor offering commercial siding in Andover MN.  

If this is the case, you can leave your worries to us. At Born Carpentry LLC, we offer high-end and affordable siding solutions for commercial buildings. Since we rely only on premium materials, our non-residential siding can offer maximum protection against water damage, hail impacts, and other storm-related damages.

Our Approaches to Commercial Siding 

We are aware that every commercial building is unique and has its own needs, unlike residential siding. This is why we use a specific approach when offering industrial siding in Andover, MN.

Below are our key approaches:

  • Choosing the Siding Material: Selection of the right siding material is essential, as it affects the overall performance of a commercial or residential siding. When making a choice, we do consider a variety of aspects including the area of the building, weather conditions, budget, and various other factors. At Born Carpentry, we offer a wide array of siding materials such as steel, engineered wood, fiber, cement, vinyl, metal, etc.
  • Energy-efficient Material: When installing commercial siding in Andover MN, we completely insulate the building. For this purpose, we use energy-efficient siding materials. As a result, the indoor temperature stays comfortable irrespective of the outside weather. 
  • Weatherproof: We also prefer using siding material, which ensures seamless installation and protects the building from water damage. The materials we use are resilient and are capable of withstanding the harsh weather conditions like heavy rain, snow, or, like hail storms.
  • Siding Maintenance: We also offer metal or vinyl siding, which requires minimum maintenance. In addition, we regularly check the sidings of our clients for visible signs of damage. With proper maintenance, your siding will continue to serve for an extended period .
  • Adherence to Regulations: We offer environment-friendly materials to adhere to the strict regulations and fire codes. This allows our clients to stay compliant with their industry-related regulations. 
  • Maintaining the Aesthetic: The visual appeal of your siding creates the first impression. To help you find the best possible siding that complements your commercial building, we offer a variety of siding designs and color combinations. We make sure that your selected siding also adds value to your architecture.

Types of Commercial Sidings We Offer

At Born Carpentry, we have a range of siding services for commercial buildings. Some of our top services include:

  • Vinyl Siding: Vinyl siding is a viable choice for commercial siding installation in Andover. This is so, as it is a long-lasting and low-maintenance alternative to wood. With this type of siding, you can customize the overall appearance of your building. There are numerous shapes, colors, and profiles, giving you the freedom to choose the options that are best suited to your needs. As a professional siding company, we offer the best vinyl material for siding.
  • Engineered Wood Siding:  For commercial buildings, we recommend engineered wood siding. This type of siding is made of composite wood and is capable of offering the required protection against harsh weather conditions. In addition, it also prevents mold and insects. Most of our clients prefer engineered wood siding, as it enhances the aesthetic value of a building. It might be slightly costlier than some other options, yet the quality and appearance of this siding justifies the price.
  • Commercial Steel Siding: Siding is more than just an aesthetic part of a building. Apart from offering a sleek look, it also protects the overall structure of a building. For extensive durability, we prefer steel siding. It’s among the most promising options for commercial buildings. It is quite robust and offers maximum resistance to the worst weather conditions. This is the reason we recommend steel siding for a commercial building.
  • Commercial Aluminum Siding: Aluminum siding is a lightweight yet durable choice. It might tend to be costly but we consider it as a perfect option when it comes to installing a commercial siding in Andover MN. Compared to the options listed above, this type of siding is easy to maintain and is durable too. It’s more resistant to elements like corrosion or discoloration, making it an ideal choice for hot and humid environments.

Choose the Best Commercial Siding in Andover MN!

Whether you are planning to renovate your existing commercial property or want to build a brand-new structure, Born Carpentry is there to help you. We are a committed team of professionals, offering high-end services like commercial siding in Andover MN. We are ready to answer your queries and offer you a quick quote. Our team will guide you through the whole process of installation.

For superior quality siding installation services, make sure to contact us today!