Millions of people buy new homes each year and get them renovated or carry out regular maintenance to improve the curb appeal… but they often forget to deal with the windows! When’s the last time you did anything with or to your windows? In case you’re thinking of updating your windows, you should know about different types of window materials, along with their advantages and disadvantages.

Here’s a brief guide to help you.

#1 Wooden Window Material:

If you want your house to possess a sort of natural beauty, then you can opt for wooden window material.

Advantages Of Wooden Window Material:

1. Wooden material is extremely strong and durable, and can last for years without any major maintenance.
2. It is environmentally friendly and is made out of natural resources that are easily available.
3. In order to keep it well-maintained, you have to simply polish and paint it regularly.
4. The wooden material will not allow any condensation in through the windows.
5. It is the best material if you want to keep your house well-insulated– warm during winters and cool during summers.
6. It is also a perfect soundproof material.

Disadvantages Of Wooden Window Material:

1. Wooden windows can be severely affected during rainy weather conditions.
2. The wooden material is also vulnerable to insects and other pests– especially termites.

#2 Vinyl Window Material:

Vinyl is used for the window frames, and it is made of PVC material.

Advantages Of Vinyl Window Material: 

1. Vinyl material is extremely energy-efficient and thus used for framing windows.
2. The material is very light and does not put pressure on the foundation of the house.
3. Vinyl material for windows is extremely durable.
4. Vinyl material requires little or no maintenance. You can either clean it with a high-quality cleaning solution or just apply a fresh coat of paint.
5. Vinyl material has UV resistant characteristics that help in preventing rotting and corrosion.
6. Vinyl is not very expensive as compared to wooden and fiberglass materials.

Disadvantage Of Vinyl Window Material: 

1. Vinyl material is not natural and cannot be recycled.

#3 Fiberglass Window Material:

Fiberglass Window Material

Fiberglass has a great aesthetic look.

Advantages Of Fiberglass Material:

1. Fiberglass has insulating properties because it has foam pores. This feature makes it energy-efficient.
2. Fiberglass does not have any issues of fading, peeling, or flaking. This means there’s little or no maintenance.
3. There won’t be any issues of moisture absorption or mold growth.
4. You can get a thin frame window that would be stiff and reinforced with tough material.
5. Fiberglass has a temperature resistant quality, which ensures that it will not expand or contract due to temperature changes.
6. Fiberglass is extremely versatile and also eco-friendly because the material can be recycled.

Disadvantages Of Fiberglass Material:

1. Fiberglass material is quite expensive and does not fit everyone’s budget.
2. The installation process of fiberglass is quite difficult because it involves a rigid material.

#4 Aluminum Material For Windows:

Aluminum Material For Windows

Aluminum material for windows is quite preferable if you have a modern house. The look provided by aluminum windows is extremely sleek and modern. You would also be able to improve the look of the house with natural light.

Advantages Of Aluminum Material: 

1. These window materials are extremely affordable and are a preferred choice for window frames.
2. With aluminum material, it is easy to customize the shape of the windows and frames.
3. The material for the window is durable.
4. Aluminum material for windows is extremely lightweight and easy to install.
5. You won’t have to worry about maintenance and repair.

Disadvantage Of Aluminum Material:

1. The main drawback of aluminum for windows is the fact that it is not good at retaining heat. As such, it can cause your utility bills to surge if you live in cold areas.


If you are looking to replace your windows or get a new window installed, you should know about various window materials available. This will help you make an informed choice.